Lane Splitting Accidents in Albuquerque, New Mexico

Motorcyclists will sometimes drive between lanes of traffic on the roads of Albuquerque, New Mexico. The technique of driving between lanes is known as “lane splitting” and is illegal in New Mexico. Not only is the practice against the law, but lane splitting can lead to serious and sometimes fatal accidents in Albuquerque, NM.  

If you have been involved in a motorcycle accident, the Albuquerque lane splitting accident lawyers at Runion Personal Injury Lawyers can help. For years, our lawyers have fought for the rights of those injured in motorcycle accidents – including the legal right to compensation from at-fault drivers. Our dedicated Albuquerque lane splitting accident attorneys can be reached at (505) 594-3621 to discuss your concerns and schedule a free consultation

How Runion Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help After a Lane Splitting Accident in Albuquerque 

How Runion Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help After a Lane Splitting Accident in Albuquerque

Motorcycle accidents can be dangerous, with severe consequences for riders. New Mexico sees many crashes each year, with far too many happening in the Albuquerque area. 

If you or a loved one were involved in a motorcycle crash or lane splitting accident, you will need an experienced Albuquerque personal injury lawyer to guide you. 

Our Albuquerque motorcycle accident lawyers can advocate for you and will do any of the following, if not more: 

  • Investigate the cause of the accident and the facts involved; 
  • Identify and determine the at-fault driver responsible for the crash; 
  • Collect and maintain evidence supporting your claim for damages; 
  • Document your injuries and damages, and estimate the maximum value for your personal injury claim; 
  • Contact and hire accident experts to support your claim and testify if needed; 
  • File insurance claims and negotiate with insurers; 
  • Use all evidence available to fight for the maximum value of your claim; 
  • Prepare and file a lawsuit when necessary; 
  • Take your case to a jury trial if pretrial negotiations don’t lead to a fair settlement. 

No one hopes to be in a situation where they need an Albuquerque personal injury lawyer to pursue a personal injury claim. However, if you were hurt in an accident, a skilled Albuquerque lane splitting accident attorney can help you get the fair compensation you deserve. 

What Is Lane Splitting? 

Lane splitting – sometimes known as filtering or white-lining, is a technique used by motorcyclists where they pass between lanes of slow or stopped traffic. Rather than remain in a lane as other vehicles do, motorcyclists might maneuver their bikes between lanes, narrowly passing by cars and trucks on the road. 

Most often, lane splitting will happen during times of heavy traffic congestion common in Albuquerque. Some riders will engage in this technique simply because they can, or to avoid overheating, rear-end collisions, and other issues. Advocates of lane splitting argue that the benefits to riders outweigh the risks to motorcyclists and other drivers. 

The arguments against lane splitting include: 

Safety Concerns 

Maneuvering in between lanes of heavy traffic can surprise other drivers and lead to catastrophic accidents. Many lane-splitting accidents will happen because cars and trucks do not see the motorcycle at all as it passes through lanes of traffic. Reduced visibility is a common factor in New Mexico motorcycle accidents. 

Many motorcycle riders might not know whether or not it is illegal to split lanes and pass between vehicles. In California, it is legal to do so, but in New Mexico it is not. This can create confusion not only for motorcyclists but for other drivers as well. 

Road Rage Incidents 

Shockingly, New Mexico is near the top of the list when it comes to road rage incidents in the United States. In addition to disputes, fights, and accidents due to road rage, over 100 road rage shooting deaths happen in New Mexico every year. When motorcyclists speed through traffic in between cars, they risk triggering a road rage issue from other drivers. 

What Happens if I’m Being Blamed for a Lane Splitting Accident? 

A motorcyclist who engages in lane splitting in New Mexico is subject to the state’s comparative negligence law if an accident happens. Unlike most other states, New Mexico follows a pure comparative negligence standard when evaluating liability for an accident. Under this legal approach, the amount you are entitled to after a motorcycle accident would be reduced according to your percentage of fault for the crash. 

Under a pure comparative negligence formula, you could be more than 50% at fault for the crash but still collect damages. However, your amount is reduced by your percentage of fault. For example, if your damages are $100,000, but you were 40% at fault, you would only be eligible to receive $60,000 under the formula. 

Comparative negligence can be an issue in motorcycle accident cases – especially when lane splitting is an issue. If a motorcyclist is alleged to have been lane splitting at the time of the crash, the defense could argue that they were partly or completely at fault for the accident. If lane splitting is an issue that could affect your financial compensation from a crash, it is important to have a skilled motorcycle accident lawyer on your side. 

Contact an Albuquerque Motorcycle Accident Lawyer for a Free Consultation 

If you have suffered any type of injury in an Albuquerque, NM, motorcycle accident, you may have the legal right to compensation from the at-fault motorist. Our Albuquerque lane splitting accident attorneys can help you understand your rights and fight for a fair and meaningful financial recovery. Don’t hesitate to contact the Runion Personal Injury Lawyers today to schedule your free consultation.