How Often Does Someone Die in a New Mexico Car Accident?

New Mexico has many car accidents for its population size. The state has a population of about 2.1 million and saw 40,769 traffic accidents in 2021. The state’s crash statistics translate to roughly two car crashes for every 100 New Mexico residents. This number is shockingly high. Unfortunately, this also translates to high fatality numbers. […]

How Do Albuquerque Personal Injury Lawyers Get Paid?

Personal injury lawyers get paid when they win cases at trial or by negotiating them out of court. Most personal injury attorneys handle cases on a contingency fee basis and are only paid if they successfully recover compensation for their clients.  When a personal injury lawyer wins a case or settles it, they take an […]

Can I Get a Settlement for a Car Accident Without a Lawyer in Phoenix?

In Arizona, there are close to 4,000 car accidents each year that result in serious injuries. If you’ve been involved in a car accident in Phoenix, AZ, and were injured as a result of someone else’s negligence, then you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. You may be wondering if you can negotiate […]

How To Proceed With a Personal Injury Lawsuit in Albuquerque, NM

Personal injury cases cover many accidents and injuries, including slip and fall accidents, automobile accidents, wrongful death, and medical malpractice. You can even sue a manufacturer for injuries caused by a defective product or file a personal injury lawsuit for a dog bite.  The priority after an injury or accident is your health. Seek immediate […]

Are Car Accident Reports Public Record in Albuquerque?

After certain traffic accidents, Albuquerque police or local law enforcement respond to the scene of the crash and make a report. The report contains specific crash characteristics so that the New Mexico Department of Transportation can keep a comprehensive list of car accidents and prepare annual reports demonstrating significant traffic trends. These reports can include […]

Who Are the Plaintiffs and Defendants in Personal Injury Cases?

Personal injury cases involve two central figures: the plaintiff and the defendant. These legal matters require understanding the roles and responsibilities of each party. Personal injury cases revolve around the principle of negligence. A “negligent” party is one that failed to exercise the care that a reasonably prudent person would in similar circumstances. This failure […]

Can You File a Car Accident Lawsuit in Phoenix Even if You Aren’t Hurt?

A car accident in Phoenix can cause substantial damages and losses for accident victims. They might sustain severe physical injuries, debilitating emotional distress, and significant financial losses.  However, what happens when you don’t sustain physical injuries in a car accident? Can you still sue for a car accident when you were not hurt? Suing After […]

Right-of-Way Laws in Arizona

If you consider the daily traffic in busy population centers like Phoenix, you might be surprised to learn that only about 11,000 crashes resulting in injuries happen within the city, according to 2021 data. That said, according to statistics, the overall number of accidents in Phoenix that year was over 40,000. What keeps Arizona highways […]

3 Elements of Standing To Sue in Phoenix

Standing to sue is a legal term referring to an individual’s right or ability, recognized by law, to start a lawsuit. The law does not allow everyone with complaints or disagreements about others’ behavior to be eligible parties for lawsuits. A direct impact must be present on the complaining party to have legitimate grounds for […]

How Long Do I Have To File a Car Accident Claim in Albuquerque, NM?

There are two types of deadlines you need to concern yourself with after a car accident in Albuquerque: legal deadlines and practical deadlines. The sooner you begin pursuing your car accident claim, the better your chances of winning. Don’t wait until it is too late. Legal Deadlines: How Long After an Accident Can You File […]