What Are the Safest Neighborhoods in Phoenix, AZ?

Phoenix is a major southwestern metropolitan area known for its sweltering heat waves, peaceful retirement communities, and crime. Although the city’s violent and property crime rates aren’t nearly as high as those of some other big cities, they’re still among the highest in the state and above the national average.

To avoid being the victim of a criminal act in Phoenix, you must be vigilant about what’s happening around you. You must also be aware of your location and the relative risk of crime in that area. 

While crimes occur in nearly every part of Phoenix, not every area experiences these events as frequently as others. This knowledge enables you to make informed and confident choices about what parts of the city to visit, when to do so, and how relaxed you can afford to be as you go about your day.

Areas of Phoenix With Low Crime Rates

The Phoenix Police Department’s “hotspot” maps report the crime incidence rates of the city’s neighborhoods relative to one another.

Unsurprisingly, the city’s downtown sees some of the highest levels of violent and property crimes, especially between I-10 and I-17. The list of potential crimes you could encounter here includes homicide and robbery. If you need to be in the downtown area, stay alert and exercise caution.

By contrast, certain parts of Phoenix are the furthest thing from crime hotspots. The following four areas have some of the lowest crime rates in the city and are generally considered safe:

South of I-110 and West of the 202 Loop

Crime rates in Phoenix generally decrease the further away you get from downtown. One part of town that proves this trend is the neighborhood south of I-10 and west of the 202L.

Compared to nearby areas, such as those immediately north of I-10 or east of the 202L’s western segment, this section of Phoenix has low rates of both property and personal crimes. It roughly encompasses the Estrella Heights and Santa Maria neighborhoods.

Northeast of Downtown Near East Greenway Parkway 

As you approach the Loop 101 interchange traveling north away from downtown Phoenix on State Route 51, the Paradise Foothills, Orange Tree, and Shadow Mountain neighborhoods will be to your east. These areas also boast very low rates of criminal activity. 

Unfortunately, the same can’t be said of the areas you would pass if you took I-17 north out of downtown instead — the neighborhoods on the way to 101L have moderate to high crime rates compared to the rest of the city.

North of 101L

After traveling north of Loop 101, you’ll enter a generally safe area of Phoenix consisting of several communities, such as Deer Valley and Paradise Valley. While these neighborhoods and those surrounding them witness some criminal incidents, the frequency of such acts tends to be considerably lower in these areas than in others.


Finally, the Ahwatukee area has far less crime compared to other communities. You’re quite a bit less likely to become the victim of a violent attack or property crime here than downtown or in the areas immediately north of downtown. This is especially true as you approach the area where I-10 intersects with Loop 202.

Keep Safety Top of Mind While in Phoenix

No neighborhood is completely free of crime, in Phoenix or anywhere else. However, knowing where criminals are more likely to strike can help you keep yourself and your loved ones safe. When you understand that you’re in a potentially dangerous environment, you’ll be better able to manage risk and respond appropriately to suspicious or threatening behavior.

Contact an Experienced Phoenix Personal Injury Lawyer for Help With Your Claim

If you were injured in an accident in Phoenix, AZ, and need legal help, contact our Phoenix personal injury attorneys at Runion Personal Injury Lawyers to schedule a free case review today.

Runion Personal Injury Lawyers
3200 N Central Ave #1100, Phoenix, AZ 85012
(602) 600-9000